Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Trying this again...

This blog has been acting up on me and i havent been able to post pictures and such, so sorry it's taken me a minute to get some more photos up! So i'll try to finish up the post that i started writing over a week ago!

First I have some sad news. Grandma Deana passed away this past week. My mom flew to Nebraska for the service, but I was unable to go which was a big bummer. This was my mom's stepmom. She was living in a nursing home in Nebraska, so I'm thankful that she wasnt alone. Extra prayers for her children and step children are appreciated. And I'm glad to think that she's now in Heaven with Grandpa and where she doesnt feel any more pain from diabetes, or dialysis or just plain old age.

And on with the "cotton ball" news...

We survived week 1 without gramma (and bopi). The potty training regression that you hear will happen when a new one arrives... has happened. Grrr. I was really hoping it wouldnt. I wont go into those details because quite frankly, no one wants to read about poop. But its frustrating to say the least.

Other than that, we're doing well. Jack still isnt jealous in a way that he resents us or his little brother, but he's definitely making sure we still know he's around! He also has decided he no longer needs to take naps. However, mama does! Hopefully it's just an adjustment period and he'll go back to wanting to take naps sometimes!
I have been successful however at getting him to fall asleep around 5:30 which is definitely not the time for him to take a nap. Here we went for a walk in our super cool new stroller that Gramma and Bopi bought us and both boys fell asleep. As cute as it was, Jack is so hard to put down at night if he takes a nap in the evening!

A week ago last Sunday Gabe had his first bath. He actually didnt mind it too much. He did look at me like i was nuts though.

Here's another picture of Jack with his permagrin as he holds Baby Gabe. He just loves to hold him!!!

Yesterday was Firetruck Day at school. I couldnt even go to try to snap a picture because Gabe had his circumcision appointment yesterday. I'm hoping that they took some pictures but i know the teacher's helper was out yesterday so it was 1 gal, with 13 two year olds. Now i do think of Ms Jill as super woman, but even super heros have their limits! But i'll ask, just in case. :)

As for poor Gabe, he was a little out of sorts yesterday (Wouldnt you be!?!). But what i really wanted to tell you was that he weighed in at 10 lbs and 14 oz! He's gained nearly 2 lbs since his birth 3 weeks ago! And he's been eating every 2 hours (including thru the night!) the past couple of days. He has his 1 month appointment next tuesday, so we'll see what he weighs in then. I'll also have a height then so i'll know how much he's grown up as well as out!

Thats about all for the Cotton news this week. I should be getting some more of those pictures from the photographer of Gabe when he was a week old. When i get them, i'll be sure to post some more!! I'll also be getting some professional prints of them, so if you're interested in having a copy of any of them, just let me know!

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