I meant to make a post before my sister, Michelle, came into town. But it didnt happen. Big surprise. haha.
Aunt MeMe got here at noon this past thursday. Her visit was so much fun! After Gabe and I picked her up from the airport, we got some lunch and then went to pick up Jack from school. She got to meet his teacher, see his classroom, and all that jazz. He was SUPER excited to see Aunt MeMe and kinda brushed right past me. haha. Ok, well i did get my GLAD TO SEE YA MAMA hug. :)

The rest of the day on thursday was just spent playing around the house and outside. It was a beautiful day so we took full advantage. While outside we discovered a praying mantis that was pretty much "just like a cricket" to Jack. Jack was very interested. The Meemster suggested putting it in a bowl so Jack could hold it. But when he did that he poked his little front leg thingys out and touched Jack on the hand and he was definitely not too sure about that! From then on he had to just sit on the table. haha. But he did call Gramma and Bopi to tell them all about it.

Friday we ran some errands, mainly to target. And in true Aunt fashion, she spoiled her nephews terribly. First jack picked out 2 toys from the dollar section. A plane (that he still wont put down) and a fire truck. THEN he got to pick out a movie. he chose Robots. Thank goodness it's a cute movie for adults to watch too! And THHEEEEEEEN they got cookie dough, frosting and sprinkles!

And then of course the rest of the day was one of hopped up on sugar and bouncing around the house only slightly sitting still long enough to watch maybe a scene of the movie before it was off to more bouncing. But I cant complain, Aunt MeMe made super yummy dinner, did all the dishes, and helped with some laundry!

And here's the way Gabe looked most of the day...

Ok, so he wasnt naked the whole day. haha.
Now off to Saturday... a day filled with more sugar and fun! haha.
We went to Chuck E Cheese (Meems suggestion of course!) But we LOVE Chuck E Cheese so i was more than happy to go. For some reason Jack kept wanting to play this game with guns. I dont know where he ever could have learned the concept of gun video games (AHEM... GREG!)

Anyway, the day was lots of fun and in the end Jack decided to use all of the tickets he won to get... yep... sugar! Cotton Candy to be exact. Luckily he fell asleep on the way home so i was able to hide most of it! Actually, both of the boys conked out for a bit. And i snapped this super sweet pic of Aunt MeMe

and baby gabe!

and this one is just too cute not to put up here! Jack said "Baby Gabe gave me a KISS!"
Sunday was super fun as well. We went to Niven's Apple Farm! Which was another suggestion of Aunt Meme. Well, she said we should go to a pumpkin patch. And i looked some up online and we decided Niven's would be a fun one. It was! We got there about 30 minutes before it even opened (woops) but no biggie. They had all kinds of stuff to do there! I think this will be the place we go to every year. Now instead of trying to place all of the photos within this paragraph, let me just explain all we did and then post the montage of photos! First there were these inner tubes with 4 very tall pvc pipes inside them. A strange looking contraption but it was for jumping on. Jack LOVED it. I'm thinking Greg should build one in the backyard. He owes me for gettign Jack hooked on "gun" video games! Then there were LOTS of animals to be seen. Jack loved yelling HI CHICKEN! at the pheasants. I dont think they were pleased. There was also a donkey, a pig, a llama, and i'm sure some i'm missing. There were baby chicks inside the barn that he got to see. We skipped the corn maze but we did go on the hay ride. Lots of fun. We bought a bag to pick our own apples. Picking apples is a little tougher than you might think. Finding ones large enough to pick, that are low enough to reach, all while walking around with a toddler and a new born and a diaper bag, camera bag, and purse with only 2 adults. tricky! But we filled up our peck and then had to walk back to the barn since the hay riders dont wait for you. Did i mention the toddler and newborn? With now this huge back of apples, diaper bag, camera bag and purse? Still it was LOADS of fun. Jack loved the apple cider and conned the old man with his cuteness to give him another cup. A very full day. And now for the montage of photos...
Me and my boys...
the jumpy thingy
a big tunnel thing they had hanging from ropes
Jack is 3 feet tall!
no i promise we didnt cage him
Jack having a convo with the donkey
Jack and Aunt MeMe in the TeePee
Aunt MeMe with the fig jam... and only she and i get this joke!
Aunt MeMe and Jack picking apples

Jack getting his own!
and then last but not least capping off the day... aunt meme and gabe!

Monday in comparison to the other ways was pretty dull. We had fun at home, but didnt go anywhere until we sadly had to take Aunt MeMe to the airport. But i must share one last photo because it's my favorite!

It was a super fun trip. Jack has gone to bed by 8 the followin 2 nights. not so lucky tonight though. But it's time to go and put him into bed. Trying to follow a much stricter policy! Wish me luck!