I've recently been scolded a bit for not updating here more. I apologize! It's been a busy busy time in the Cotton household, so forgive how incredibly long this post might get!
Wow, so I havent had an update here since Christmas huh? Ok, every right to scold me! For the Holidays we traveled up to Indiana and it was a lot of fun. Mostly a lot of downtime (which I am currently craving since it's been SO busy!). The boys did very well in the car and for that i was very very thankful!
Once we got back to South Carolina, I decided (with a bit of a shove from Greg) to start my ow stamp company. It was something i had been wanting to do for sometime. However, Greg is kinda a do it now kinda guy so once he was on board, it was time to move! So the first weeks of January were ones busy with creating some designs, contacting some illustrators, and just getting the whole thing in motion. The second half of the month was a lot of website building and marketing. I guess i never realized what all goes into the start of a company! My January just FLEW by!
Also during Janurary... Jack went back to school and Gabe had his 4 month check up. Our little linebacker weighed in at 17 lbs 12 oz! Yes thats right, bigger than a butterball turkey, he was almost 18 pounds!
Here's some January Pics for ya...

I love this one. Doesnt it look like Gabe is telling Jack a secret?

Then February hits and Paper Makeup Stamps is open for business! I know only some family and friends read this blog and you arent paper crafters, but if you're interested in seeing the website, here it is.
Paper Makeup Stamps.
My mom came in town February 4th and we drove up to Greensboro North Carolina to meet my dad at ACTF (American College Theatre Festival). I'm pretty sure most who read this know what i'm talking about, but for the 1 or 2 that dont, my dad travels around to all the regional festivals every year. Last year when the region i live in was at Clemson i taught a couple of makeup workshops and they asked if i would do it again this year in Greensboro). We got back this past Saturday and mom went home on Sunday.
So now life is leveling out a weeeeee bit. We're all still super busy but i guess thats the way we like it since we never seem to change anything about it! :)
I'll try to be better about updating more often! :)